Riss Series 5: The Riss Challenge Read online

Page 8

  "Yes, Captain Reese."

  "We are a kilometer from the Sentinel. Send two teams to ensure it is dead and can't be restarted. Collect any useful information you can find."


  "If you can do it safely. Don't take any unnecessary chances."

  "Yes, ma'am." He turned and talked to Lieutenant Ja'Dalle for a minute. "Two shuttles of fifteen each will be leaving within five minutes."

  "We will monitor your crossing to ensure you don't encounter any resistance." I clicked off and began a tour of the ship, visiting each section, checking status, talking with the Riss crew. I felt no recriminations for the Riss deaths.





  Commander Ja'Kazak met me as I entered the Wraith area. "Captain Reese. By my feed from the Bridge, I see you disinfected Freeland space."

  "The Kraits are checking to make sure we got them all. Have you heard from the Wraiths?"

  "Yes, we lost two fighters, and two will need repairs. A case of inexperience, I suspect. They got overconfident destroying the combat shuttles and were too aggressive attacking the cruiser S1L8. Thank you for letting us attack the shuttles. I know the Mnemosyne would have sustained less damage if you had the fighters when you attacked the Sentinel and the accompanying squadron...and now to support the Kraits."

  "A tradeoff, like many decisions in war. In this case, a good tradeoff," I said, knowing Admiral Huber would have killed hundreds, demonstrating that he ruled Freeland and that his word was law.

  Next, I visited the Krait area.

  "Captain Reese, I was just about to contact you. Te'Fara, my senior sergeant, informs me there were no survivors. Life support systems failed when the engines shut down. He is having his team search the Bridge and the Admiral's quarters for anything useful."

  "Your people did a good job supporting the crew during the battle," I said, knowing it was true after having talked to each section. "How are the wounded doing?"

  "We have a couple of paramedics among the Kraits. Using the medical equipment you have on board, they will be alright until we reach Freeland."

  "I'm sorry. I should have recruited a medical team, not just a few paramedics. That is our first priority on Freeland," I said, hoping my oversight hadn't caused the death of anyone. Since the Riss could fix most injuries themselves, I tended to forget humans couldn't. I missed having my Riss-human sisters around to help.

  When the Kraits returned from the Sentinel, we visited S1L1, S1L2, and S1L4, and found no survivors. Some might have escaped in pods, but we didn't detect any emergency signals. We didn't bother with S1L6, as it had exploded. S1L3 and S1L5 each had ten to twenty survivors, who chose to fight to the death—or so I was told. The ex-Raiders weren't in a good mood after the invasion of Freeland. Six Kraits were killed and five wounded in the confrontations.

  When we arrived back at the space station, I had the wounded transferred to the Freeland main hospital and called for a meeting of the elders and senior staff from the Minerva and the Mnemosyne for the early morning, which was only six hours away. Everyone was tired, but I felt we had no time to lose.

  * * *

  "They did well, considering they are really just new recruits," Terril said as we descended toward Freeland in my shuttle. Coming from Terril, that was no small compliment.

  "But they were trained by the best gunny in the SAS." I smiled, then sobered. "I'm glad you stayed. I couldn't have done it without you."

  "I was tough on them. Far tougher than they would have received during normal commando recruit training."

  "I agree, Terril. Both the Kraits and the Wraiths performed better than anyone had a right to expect under the circumstances."

  "What's next, Leader Reese?" Terril smiled.

  "Between you and me, Terril, I'd like to pack up the Riss and blow this galaxy and the madness that infects it," I said, knowing that was impossible—an impossible dream.

  "But you won't," Terril said. "You won't desert friends and comrades in need. That's why I stay glued to you. Besides being like a sister, you see the future and are the best Leader, not only of the Riss, but as an ally for the SAS and UFN."







  "Judging by the silence, I guess Thalia is giving you that High Riss Leader argument again." Terril laughed when I nodded.

  * * *

  By the time I arrived, they were having a party, by the looks of the food and drinks everywhere. Everyone clapped when I entered. As usual, those in charge get the credit when everyone else did the heavy lifting.

  "Thank you, but you deserve the credit," I said, although no one was listening. "Sorry for the early meeting, but I want to get everything started. I don't think Admiral Neifeh is planning on returning any time soon or that we can expect any more JPU cruisers for upgrades—"

  "Why not?" Vali Ba'Tasuo asked.

  "Admiral Neifeh plans to attack the SAS and maybe the UFN because he senses they are vulnerable, but he knows the SAS technology would offset his greater numbers, so he chose to upgrade a special task force specifically for his invasion. In the long run, he believes that his engineers can quickly replicate and improve on the Riss technology since it was created by a bunch of backward Raiders and semi-intelligent animals. I believe Admiral Huber's assignment was to destroy Freeland and its industrial complex since it would no longer be needed by the JPU. Such action would deny the SAS access and punish Freeland for their raids over the years and the Riss for the embarrassment they caused the JPU."

  "We need to warn Admirals Plimson and Wattson," said Commander Clarkson, the Minerva's Ghost commander, looking ready to leave.

  "Let me assure everyone, we will not only warn the SAS and UFN of the threat, but we will support them in defeating the JPU. But there are things which need to be done before we can help." I paused to take a drink of kaffa, making eye contact with each SAS officer. "Ni'Shay, I asked you sometime back to look into designing a satellite to guard the entrance to Freeland. If you have one on the drawing board, I think you need to begin building a prototype. Freeland needs not only eyes and ears, but also some kind of defensive system since you don't have a fleet of cruisers."

  "Yes, we do have a design awaiting approval."

  "Good, I'll assign a couple of people to review it so you can start production. Next, the Minerva and the Mnemosyne need repairs and missiles, double the normal load. We must be prepared for an extended war, and there are only two places that make Riss missiles," I said to laughs. "And while I'm wishing, the Wraiths and the Kraits need to be brought back up to strength, and they need a medical team of doctors and nurses as part of their normal detachment, to support them."


  SAS - Eden: Surprise visit

  "What next, dybbuk?" Damaass laughed and took a sip of his wine. "My guarding angel, Adiona, says you are planning something, since fixing and stocking the Mnemosyne has been the priority."

  "The SAS and UFN need to know what I know about the upgrades to the JPU fleet and then—"

  "Not revenge," Damaass interrupted. "That would have been my first thought in the old days, but that's not the Riss way. Stopping them...how?"

  "Maybe the aliens had the right idea," I said, thinking how they didn't want to kill humans, only confine them to their planets. Of course, they did kill when we humans resisted. "I'm going to assemble the Riss Navy and consider our options. It needs to be done quickly since I believe Admiral Neifeh has probably begun his invasion of the SAS. I plan to leave you here to finish repairs on the Minerva and to bring the Krait and Wraith detachments up to full strength. In fact, increase the Wrai
th squadron to fifteen and include a medical team. And so you don't get bored, start production on the defensive satellites."

  "What if I get company?"

  "You're in charge. Use your judgment, you will be Leader on Freeland."

  "Good thing I have Adiona," he said, finishing his wine and looking a bit pale. "You really meant it when you said you trusted me. I mean, I knew you meant it at the time, but that's different than actually giving me the responsibility."

  "Yes, Damaass, you will always be a Freelander, and human, but you are as much a Riss as I or any other Riss-human and would never betray the Riss." I smiled, watching him recognize the truth of it.

  "You're right as usual, dybbuk." A broad smile lit his grizzly looking face.

  "I'm going to move your SAS detachments to the Mnemosyne and the Freeland detachments to the Minerva. The repair teams believe the Mnemosyne will be ready for a shakedown cruise in two days. If everything checks out, I'll leave the following day."

  * * *

  "Commander Clarkson, any problems?" I asked. We had just finished an eight-hour test of the Mnemosyne's systems. Our first shakedown cruise discovered several problems, which had been repaired yesterday.

  "No, ma'am. Our ten fighters are fully functional, as are our personnel," he said quickly. I knew he was anxious to get going to let the SAS know the news about the JPU and would have liked to leave without a shakedown cruise. His unit had lost five fighters in the battle with the second JPU squadron, and eleven personnel.

  "Colonel McTosh?"

  "No problems. We are good to go." He too answered quickly, having similar concerns. He had lost fifteen in the battle and subsequent boarding actions.

  "Commander Jackson, any concerns?" He was the intelligence officer assigned to the Minerva, but without a Comstat, he would be out of touch.

  "If I didn't know Captain Damaass on a personal basis, I think I would have been terrified to leave him with ex-Raider detachments. No, I have no concerns, but I'll be happy to have access to a Comstat again. And like everyone here, I'm anxious to get back."

  "Alright. We will be stopping at the space station to replace the missiles we expended and to pick up several Riss who worked on the latest software. We will depart as soon as they and the missiles are on board."

  * * *

  We entered Eden space five days later. I hoped that this time, the home fleet was somewhat used to the Riss, and we wouldn't have the hassle we had last time. Just to be sure, I send Admiral Plimson a separate message, letting him know I had news for him.



  Instantly, an elderly man with grey hair and a round, chubby, clean-shaven face appeared.

  "Welcome to Eden, Captain Reese. The Home fleet is a bit jumpy with the JPU invasion of Freeland, so the Red Tailed Hawk will be your escort to Aidoneus, the Eden space station, where you have a berth assigned. Admiral Plimson sends his regards and will have a shuttle awaiting your arrival." He smiled. "Any news you can share with me about Freeland?"

  "The Riss are back in command of Freeland, for now." I smiled.

  "That's good news. I see the Red Tail is in position." He cut the connection.



  A red-haired woman in her thirties appeared, smiling.

  "Welcome to Eden, Captain Reese. I'm glad you have your lights on. Admiral Gleason thought it safer if you had an escort. We have a lot of new captains, and the rumors have everyone jumpy. In fact, one of those rumors has you killed during the JPU invasion of Freeland." She laughed. "Looks like we can discount that one, but I would sure like to know which ones are right."

  "It will probably be far more exciting in the retelling than it was in reality," I said, reluctant to say much, as it would generate a bunch of new rumors. She was good and didn't press the issue. We must have had priority at Aidoneus, because I noticed several cruisers waiting to be parked as we docked. We had no sooner shut off the engines than I was notified a shuttle was waiting permission to enter the Mnemosyne.

  "What now, Leader?" Terril asked as she and another Scorpion followed me on our way to the shuttle bay.

  "I'd like to get Seng and Byer's attachments on board, if they are available. What about you? You are certainly due a long leave."

  "Why, I've been on vacation for a year. I'm due back on duty." She smiled. "You've had entirely too much freedom over the past year."

  I laughed. Being unable to guard me had been an itch Terril had been unable to scratch. Only the distraction of creating a Scorpion-like detachment had kept her sane.






  "You would have killed Admiral Neifeh, and then what?"

  "He wouldn't be invading the SAS."

  "And there would be no Freeland."

  "Can't have everything," she said, then sobered. "You were lucky, Nadya. I'd rather not count on luck where you're concerned. You need a full-time keeper, because you take too many risks. We need to keep you, Plimson, and Zhu around for as long as possible."


  I sent before thinking, but it was true. It would be nice to have the real leaders live longer and to have a Riss conscience.



  Terril and I lapsed into silence. When the shuttle reached planet-side, a limo waited, and we were driven to the Military Defense Headquarters, Apollo. I had obviously been expected, and it took only a few minutes for me and my Scorpions to clear security. When the elevator opened on Plimson's floor, a female Lieutenant Commander stood waiting.

  "Leader Reese, if you will follow me, Admiral Plimson is anxious to see you. Your security can make themselves comfortable in the waiting room...although Gunny Terril can accompany you," she said with a snort. "She does have the Admiral's permission."

  Terril gave me a so there nod. When I entered the office, the Commander followed behind Terril. Plimson rose from behind his desk, smiling.

  "It's a relief to find you alive and safe, Nadya. Most thought it unlikely you had survived, or that if you had, that you could get free. Have a seat," he said, waving me to one of the padded chairs as he adjusted another to face me. "I see my trusty guard-dog is still by your side."

  "I'm her favorite bone. She gets very agitated when I'm not in her sight," I said, and Plimson laughed.

  "I know you are an independent nation, but if I had my way, I'd make a special security force with Gunny Terril in charge, to keep you safe. It's not that I wouldn't trust Pavao and the other Riss humans, but...it's like Admiral Zhu is fond of saying, Reese can see the future.'"




  A ripple of amusement tingled through me.

  "In the beginning, I felt a constant security team was excessive, but it has proven necessary for me and the other Riss humans. Terril has saved my life more than once. I'm probably going to regret saying this, but I believe it might be a reasonable solution for all the Riss-humans," I said. I could feel Terril smiling—mentally even though it hadn't touched her lips.

  "Good. I've asked Commander Knight to join us to help expedite whatever you've come here to accomplish."

  "Yes, I'd like to get my original Mnemosyne detachment back on board, if they haven't been reassigned."

  "I've had them assigned here at Eden in the meantime as advisors, because of their extensive combat experience. Commander Knight will see to getting them reassigned to the Mnemosyne. Won't surprise me if they are waiting for transportation to Aidoneus right now." He laughed. "Now, what happened on Freeland?"

  "When Admiral Neifeh entered Freeland with his fleet of one hundred
and fifty-seven cruisers..." I spent the next three hours relating the events of the past year, including our sabotage of the upgraded JPU fleet and the final battle with Admiral Huber.

  "How did you know...no MSA, Damaass in a year...?"




  "I don't know, Admiral Plimson—"

  "Albert in private, Nadya."

  "Albert. Although it sounds like I knew what would happen and what we would do in response, I didn't. Intuitively, I felt it would be resolved in a year, one way or the other. And I knew I needed to stay."

  "I'm beginning to agree with Admiral Zhu. You and Thalia appear to see or sense the future better than most of us who tend to focus on today," he said.

  Yes, I mused, thinking maybe it was Thalia who created the...intuition.




  I laughed. She couldn't consciously lie to me, but it wouldn't surprise me if the Riss thinking wasn't a large part of my intuition.

  "You need to get that information to Admiral Wattson. He's using Echo as his headquarters. Are you planning on returning to Freeland, Nadya?"

  "Initially. As soon as Commander Knight can get my detached units on board, I'm going to Dunn to collect the Riss Navy. We have some decisions to make," I said, not really sure what we could or should do. We had an MSA, but that worked both ways—where they going to help protect Freeland, or would we have to do it on our own?

  "I don't think that is going to be much of a problem," Knight interrupted, grinning. "I've been in contact with Colonel Seng, Commander Byer, and Commander Iglis while you talked. They believe they can be ready in two days."

  "Good, I'd like you to have dinner with me and some of my senior commanders tonight. They need to be updated, and you are the best person to answer any questions they will have. Commander Knight, invite Byer, Seng, and Iglis, and see to getting Leader Reese quarters on Eden." He rose, signaling the meeting was over. "Nadya, that will give you a few hours to refresh yourself before dinner and keep you available if the need arises."